Class XI
1. Understand the principles of child’s growth and development. Paste
relevant pictures.
2. Learning milestones of various developments like physical mental,
motor, language, cognitive, social. Observe a child (0-2 years) at
home / in neighbourhood to judge his development.
3. Prepare an album (photo album or picture album) to show different
aspects of development in a child (0-2 years).
4. Making students aware of various childhood problems like food
jags, aggression etc.
5. Prepare Food and Nutrition requirement (RDA values) table for a
child from 0-6 years of age.
6. Understand the concept of weaning foods – their importance and
types. Prepare weaning foods for an infant like dalia, porridge,
khichri, soups, premixes.
7. Make flash cards/flip book depicting a short story for a preschool
8. Observe a child at home / in the neighbourhood to the trained for
child’s cleaning, bathing and feeding.
9. Identify the common childhood diseases – their prevention, care
and management, control.
10. a)
Prepare an immunisation chart for a child from 0-5 years.
Collect immunization charts / cards from various nursing
homes. Paste them in the file.
Visit a crèche/day care centre and record the various facilities
offered by it. Take photographs and prepare a report.
Class XII
1. Observe a preschooler (2-7 years) at home/in neighbourhood and
judge various aspects of his development – Physical, mental,
motor, language, cognitive, social.
2. Plan few fine motor skills and gross motor skills activities for a
preschool child.
3. Develop an educational game for a preschool child based on his
development level.
4. Understand the food and nutrient requirements for a preschool
child. Prepare few snacks and dishes for him (sandwiches, shakes,
poha, upma, stuffed, paranthas, bread pakora etc). Learning how to
serve meals to them so that the child is tempted to eat food.