SMARIKA workeducation | Page 56



Need of the Community :
Twentieth century has witnessed women working not only at the home front but also working out for a career . Though the women have become career oriented , the family has been their first priority always . Once a woman leaves her home , her children become her first liability to be looked by other substitutes . Here arises the need of trained people for child care and crèche management . If Work Education in schools could train some students for the same , it would be a great contribution for a balanced and healthy society . These trainees can prove to be excellent substitutes in the absence of the mother . It would also be wonderful experience for students for preparation of their own family life in the future . Crèche is an institute where children between 0-6 years are professionally looked after efficiently in the absence of their mother .
Learning Outcomes : The student will be able to ;
1 . Develop knowledge of the principles of growth and development of the child from 0-6 years .
2 . Develop understanding of the milestones of child ’ s physical , mental , social , cognitive , language , motor development .
3 . Understand the requirements of an ideal crèche .
4 . Inculcate in themselves the skills of child rearing like feeding the child , bathing the child , keeping him clean , playing with the child etc .
5 . Understand the nutritional requirements of children . Develop skills in preparing food for them ( milk and weaning foods for infants , snacks and simple meals for children ).
6 . Acquire knowledge of first aid and medical facilities to be given to the children in case of emergencies .
7 . Understand the importance of hygiene and sanitation in the crèche .
8 . Develop skills in arranging play activities for children of different age groups .
9 . Understand the common childhood diseases and their care and management .
10 . Develop knowledge of ways of preventing the diseases with special emphasis on immunisation .
11 . Educate the children by a play-way technique .
12 . Acquire skills of crèche management with customer satisfaction .
13 . Have a knowledge of keeping accounts , maintaining budgets ( income and expenditure record ) for efficient crèche management .