Slavic Ways December 2015 | Page 13

Славянские пути - Slavic Ways E-mail: [email protected] T: (206) 497-8930 Mark Nuckols, Why We Need Much Tougher Immigration Policies: Some Sad Lessons from Brighton Beach “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" is perhaps a noble sentiment. As immigration policy for the 21st century, it is barking mad nonsense. There should be only one litmus test for permitting immigration into the United States. Does it benefit the U.S. and our own citizens? Imagine inviting someone into your home, who eats your food, then surreptitiously steals your silverware. And who then tells all his relatives what a schmuck you are, and that they should also come running to take full advantage of your naive generosity. Well, that is more or less the tawdry story of much of Russian immigration to the United States for the last four decades. Immigration from Russia has not received much attention compared to the much larger flow of immigrants from South of the Rio Grande, but that can tell us much about the dangers of liberal immigration policies and a poorly policed border. Americans often have romantic and naive ideas about what people in other countries think of the U.S. In the old melting pot narrative, the most courageous and enterprising folk in the village pick up their belongings, make the long sea voyage to America, and with hard work, pluck and a bit of luck forge a new life. In this telling, America is the land of opportunity, opportunity meaning the possibility to earn an honest living free of government oppression. And most immigrants of that earlier era embraced American values and strove to become good citizens of their adopted country. We aren’t living in those days anymore. The realities of immigration from th Rf