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Republican Party 2016: will the ‘old dog’ teach itself new tricks
OR Déjà vu 2012 is coming?
As far as winning Presidential Election on 2016, what are differences between Ron Paul revolution and Donald Trump’s Make America Great
Again? Did Republican Party learn its lesson?
Let’s see how some media did/does present ‘anti-establishment’ candidates, like Ron Paul in 2012 and, nowadays, Donald Trump (Google it).
www.wash ingtonpost.com:
“Ron Paul is the most dangerous man in the Republican party “
“Jorge Ramos: Donald Trump is 'dangerous' “
Some of results were outlined in 2012 post-election analysis in mic.com:
“Ron Paul a 'dangerous man'?”
“Trump bump terrifies GOP”
New analysis reveals that in no less than five states, Romney’s margin of
loss to President Obama in the general election was less than the number
of votes received by Ron Paul in that state’s primary.
“Ron Paul is truly dangerous”
“Thomas Sowell: Donald Trump will not save us”
In Florida, for example, Obama defeated Romney by 46,000 votes; meanwhile, Ron Paul received over 117,000 votes in the primary. If only 40%
of these Ron Paul Republicans stayed home on Election Day, it would
have been enough to cost Romney the state and its 29 electoral votes.
“New Hampshire Publisher: Paul is a 'Dangerous Man' “
“GOP Establishment Panic: Trump's Still On Top “
“Ron Paul for President, Are You Freaking kidding Me”
“Donald Trump Is Our Jean-Marie Le Pen”
“By disenfranchising Ron Paul supporters, Mitt Romney won the primary
but lost the election.
A similar case can be made for Connecticut, New Hampshire, Ohio, and
Virginia. … Had Romney won these five states, they would have been sufficient to give him a narrow 277-261 victory over the President.”
An idea here is that Ron Paul’s supporters simply did not vote, or worse,
voted for Obama, as a matter of ‘revenge’ upon the establishment. Will
Donald Trump’s supporters stay home, if establishment will be able to derail his success? I’d say, “yes, they will”, don't you?
What if the Republican Party’s establishment is the true
danger to Republicans and The Republic? Can the establishment teach itself new tricks?