Skin Health Magazine Issue #9 / Autumn-Winter 2018 | Page 7

with your makeup on after a long, fun night, but you and your blocked, dirty pores will regret that in the morning. Take 30 seconds to wipe everything off with make-up wipes before you turn out the lights. Use the Skyn ICELAND Glacial Cleansing Cloths to remove make-up and impurities, plus they feel amazing. Morning-After Eyes Between staying out late and quite likely con- suming more alcohol or sugary drinks or junk food (or all of the above) than you’re accus- tomed to, you may very well wake up the next morning with dark circles and puffy eyes. Give your peepers some immediate relief and rejuvenation with the Hydropeptide Polypeptide Collagel+ Mask For Eyes, which cools, soothes and refreshes tired skin. Our Last and Best Tip! Don’t point out your problems. Your mother may have told you this when you were a teen- ager, but it still holds true today: Nobody notices your flaws the way you do. Take care of your skin, take reasonable steps to heal and conceal, then throw on a smile and have a fabulous time. ISSUE #09 | 2018 | 7