SKIDDY: What’s i like being a 31 year old SKIDDY: How’d you get the nickname, “Belo”?
skateboarder who holds down a job and
BELO: My homies. I just really like that park
is a productive member of society?
(Ben Lomond). High school daze. The ground
BELO: Haha! It is what it is.I work full time, on my street was jacked. We used to build
as a server. I work on the weekends, so crazy ramps and the neighbors would get
when everyone’s out having fun I’m at work. pissed. I just rep Be Lo cause that’s where
You do get pretty mellow sessions during i grew up skating with all my homies. We
the week though. I just keep it mellow. called ourselves the Cracker Crew AKA the
Work, skate and taking care of myself. Its a C.C. Nick, Chris, Justin, Pat and the rest of
good life..
the boys!
SKIDDY: Would you say Santa Cruz is better
enjoyed in the wintertime or the summer?
BELO: Summer’s sick, but winter is nice too. I
like the winter weather and its mellow.
SKIDDY: How long has it been since a new
SkateWorks video has come out, maybe a
BELO: Yeah it’s been a while. But it’s tight