Skidmark Skatemag SM43 | Page 16

going to go down, I knew I had to stick around and try to shoot whatever I could. Mark kicked off the session by nailing a kickflip ride to drop off on Manramp, however it was his nosegrab blaster over Man Ramp that really sealed the deal for me. Ronnie was able to pull off a very stylish backside wall ride to end the session and everyone was stoked. As the week went on, I became increasingly covered in dirt and sweat from not showering and camping in a very small tent. Luckily on Wednesday there was a beach front blast party on the lake, and I seized the opportunity to go for a swim and wash some of the crust off. A main attraction that a lot of campers took part in during the beach party was the launch ramp into the lake. At the end of the main dock were two launch ramps covered in perfect slabs of skatelite. One was a wedge type ramp that