SIRR March 2015 | Page 6

Nanotechnology Whether we want it or not, nanotechnology is in today’s sciences a very promising field of research. The main idea of this kind of technology is to manipulate matter at the nanometer size, or in other words, at the size of one one thousand millionth meter (10-9 m). It results interesting to work with particles or material this small, mainly because matter at this size does not follow basic rules of physics, but also because at this size, the world seems so big that there are endless possibilities just at the touch of our hands. Nanoparticles are already being used in our everyday world, the most common example would be the titanium dioxide used as a UVfilter in sunscreens. Also, very used nanotechnology products we do not realize are Carbon Nanotubes, available in many sport equipments; due to its low weight and its high resistance we can see Carbon Nanotubes in items from bicycles to surfboards and tennis racquets. There will always be people against any type or scientific development, and nanotechnology is no exception. Our society began worrying about the huge waste it can generate, but also, the scientific community is beginning to experiment with the use of nanoparticles in medical treatments, so the worry relies on the safety of these new courses of treatment.