Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 72

Dadashri: You have to recall the pure Soul within the person you have wronged – the Soul which is completely separate from the union of the mind, body and speech, bhaavkarma (causal karma), dravyakarma (subtle discharge karma), nokarma (gross discharge karma); and all attachment related to him and say, “Dear Shuddhatma Bhagwan (Lord; the pure Soul)! I ask for forgiveness for the mistake of raising my voice. I am making a strong resolution not to repeat that mistake again, so give me the energy (shakti) to do so.” When you recall Dada or the Shuddhatma and admit your mistake, it is called alochana. Pratikraman is to apologize for that mistake and making a resolve not to repeat it is pratyakhyan. When you harm or hurt any living being, it is considered atikraman and for that you have to do alochana, pratikraman and pratyakhyan, immediately. ™™™™™ 65