Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 73

Process of Divine Apology Pratikraman Vidhi Note: You are pure Soul, and pratikraman has to be done by ‘Chandubhai’ (file number one), who committed the errors. Here, You will ask file number one to do pratikraman. This is a three-part process: for full details and clarification please read the book, ‘Pratikraman’ by Dadashri. 1. Alochana: Heartfelt inner confession of one’s mistakes. 2. Pratikraman: Process of apology coupled with remorse for any wrongdoing. 3. Pratyakhyan: Sincere pledge to never repeat the mistakes. In the live presence and witness of Dada Bhagwan, Oh pure Soul who is totally separate from the mind, speech, body, causal, subtle discharge and gross discharge karma of [the name of the person who has been hurt by you], 1. I confess my mistakes. [Recall the mistakes you committed with this person.] 2. I apologize and ask for forgiveness for these mistakes. 3. I firmly resolve never to repeat these mistakes. Dearest Dada Bhagwan, grant me the absolute energy not to repeat these mistakes. Your life will improve and you will be able to attain liberation (moksha) with such pratikramans. The Lord has said that if you do pratikraman for your atikraman, then you will be able to attain liberation (moksha). ™™™™™ 66