Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 71

repenting and asking for forgiveness with the avowal to not repeat the act of aggression through thoughts, speech or action. If a person insults you, you should understand who the real culprit is behind the insult. Is it the one who insults or is it the one who feels insulted? This should be determined first. You should understand that the person who insults you is not at fault at all. He is merely instrumental in the process (nimit) and it is due to the unfolding of your very own karma that the two of you are brought together. The fault is your own and you should do pratikraman if any negative feelings arise towards him. If you feel that he is worthless or deceitful, you have to do pratikraman. If anyone insults you, it is due to your very own karmic account and you should see the other person as an instrument in the process. Even when your pocket gets picked, the pickpocket is an evidentiary instrument (nimit) who is settling your own karmic account. Generally, people blame the evidentiary instrument (nimit) and that is the cause of all conflicts. In your daily worldly interactions when you do something, you will know that you did something wrong against such and such a person, won’t you? The worldly interactions you carry out are kraman. Kraman means worldly interactions (vyavahar). Now if you have a misunderstanding with someone, you will realize that you used harsh words towards the other person or that you behaved wrongly towards him. Will you not know that? All that is called atikraman. Atikraman is to walk in the wrong direction, and to walk back the same distance in the right direction is pratikraman. Correct and Precise Procedure of Pratikraman Questioner: What does one do in pratikraman? 64