Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 70

Instrument to Wash Our Own Faults: Pratikraman Kraman-Atikraman-Pratikraman All natural and spontaneous actions that take place in the worldly life are kraman. As long as they occur naturally and spontaneously, it is kraman; but when an action becomes excessive and hurtful, it is atikraman (hurting other living beings through thought, speech and action). For all the atikraman that occur, one will have to do pratikraman without fail if he wants to be free. It will become clean only if he washes it off. If in the past life one had created an intent, “I want to slap that man,” in this life when that intent materializes, he will end up slapping someone. That is atikraman, and for that he has to do pratikraman. Recall the pure Soul within that person and ask for forgiveness. Any negative conduct is atikraman (hurting other living beings through thought, speech and action). A negative conduct is a stain (karmic stain) that will “bite” you in your mind; in order to get rid of it, you have to do pratikraman (the process of recalling, repenting and asking for forgiveness with the avowal to not repeat the act of aggression through thoughts, speech or action). Through your pratikraman, the other person will change his intention and attitude (bhaav) towards you. Not only will you improve your own intention (bhaav), but it will also positively influence the other person’s intention and attitude. There is so much power in pratikraman that even tigers turn into dogs (they become tame)! When is pratikraman useful? It is only useful in the wake of negative results or effects. The Exact Understanding of Pratikraman What is pratikraman? It is the process of recalling, 63