Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 52
person. If what you say does not agree with him, then it is your
fault. You can only adjust if you correct your mistake. Lord
Mahavir’s message is to adjust everywhere. This maladjustment
is foolishness. Adjustment is justice. Any kind of obstinacy
(adherence to one’s viewpoint) is not justice.
No one has ever misadjusted with me. Here a household
of only four cannot adjust with each other. Will you learn how
to adjust? Is it not possible to adjust? You will learn from
whatever you observe. The law of this world is that you will
learn from what you observe. No one has to teach you that.
Even if you know very little in this world, it is not a major
problem. You may have very little knowledge about your field
of work. Even that is all right, but it is essential that you know
how to adjust. You have to learn this or you will suffer. Take
advantage of this message and make the most of it.