Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 51

yourself and the conflict will continue. That person has collided with you, but if you collide with him, then it just goes to prove that you too are blind. I understand the prakruti, so even if you seek to clash with me, I will avoid it. I will not let it happen. Otherwise, both will suffer in the collision. Therefore, recognize the prakruti of everyone in the home. Conflicts do not occur every day. They only occur when your past karma are ready to give their effects. Adjust when this happens. If a fight occurs with your wife, make her happy afterwards by taking her out for dinner. From now on the strain in your relationship should not linger. You should eat whatever comes to you on your plate. That, which comes in front of you, is your account. God has said that if you avoid eating what comes on your plate, you will be at a loss. So even if there are things on my plate that I do not particularly care to eat, I will eat some of it anyway. How can you be called a man, if you do not know how to adjust? Those who adjust to their circumstances will not have any conflicts at home. If you want to enjoy the benefit of your wife’s company, you must adjust. Otherwise you will create enmity. People’s lives must be guided by certain principles. One must act according to circumstances at hand. He who adjusts according to the circumstances is to be applauded and respected. If one knows how to adjust in every situation, then liberation is at hand. This is a great weapon. Disadjustment Itself Is Foolishness Whatever you say should be acceptable to the other 44