Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 50
a few extra rupees. If we don’t, we will have to carry the
luggage ourselves.
Do Not Accuse, Adjust
At home one must know how to adjust. If you come
home late from satsang, what will the wife say? “You should
keep an eye on the time.” What is wrong with going home a
little early? Why does a husband suffer in this manner? This is
the result of his karmic account of his past life. In his previous
life he had accused others a lot. At that time he was in power.
Now you are powerless, so adjust without any complaints. So
in this life, do “plus-minus” (Dadashri’s terminology to settle
past accounts). It is better not to accuse anyone at all. If you
become an accuser, you will be accused. We do not want any
part of this. If someone insults you, accept it. Credit it to your
account. How do you feel about this? Is it good to be an
accuser? Why not adjust from the beginning?
If a husband and a wife both make a firm commitment to
adjust, they will find a solution. If one is insistent, the other has
to adjust by giving in. If you do not adjust you can become
insane. Repeated harassment of others is the reason for this
The one who has learned the art of adjustment has found
the path of eternal bliss. Adjustment taken in daily life situation
is Gnan. This will be one’s triumph.
Some people are in the habit of sleeping late, and some
go to bed early. How can they get along? What would happen
if they all live together under one roof as a family? Someone in
the home may say, “You are an idiot.” At such a time you
should learn only that this person just uses such language. This
is how you adjust. If you return his insult, you will exhaust