Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 53

AVOID CLASHES Do Not Come Into Conflict “Do not come into conflict with anyone – try to avoid it.” If you absorb these words of mine, you will attain liberation. Exact absorption of just a single sentence of mine will lead one to liberation. Even if you absorb a single word of mine as it is, your work will be done. It is vital that these words be absorbed just as they are. Spiritual dedication to a single word of mine, even for a day, will bring forth tremendous inner energies. Within you there are infinite energies to resolve all kinds of conflict, no matter how severe they are. Whenever you get into a conflict with anyone unintentionally or otherwise, you must solve the situation with poise and walk away from it without creating any hostility. Traffic Laws Prevent Accidents In all clashes both parties suffer. If you hurt anyone you will inevitably suffer pain at that moment. I am giving you the example of the reason behind traffic regulations. If you cause an accident you might end up being killed because collisions can be fatal. So do not clash with anyone. In the same way, do not create conflict in any worldly life interactions, because there are always risks involved. When someone comes to you and starts using harsh and 46