Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 26

Dadashri: Some people ask me, “Am I qualified to receive this Akram Gnan?” I tell them, “Your meeting me is your qualification.” This meeting is due to scientific circumstantial evidence. Therefore, anyone that meets me is qualified. Those who do not meet me are not qualified. What is the reason behind you meeting me? It is because of your qualification that this meeting takes place. However, after having met me, if one does not attain Self-realization then it is because one’s obstructive karma prevents one from progressing further. In “Kram” You Have to Do, While in “Akram” You… I was asked by an individual to explain the difference between the Kramic (step-by-step path to Self-realization) and the Akram (stepless path to Self-realization) paths. I told them that in the Kramic path one is asked to stop doing bad deeds and do good deeds. One is essentially told to “do” something in the Kramic path. You are told to get rid of your weaknesses of deceit and greed and to turn toward good things. Is that not what you have come across so far? Akram, on the other hand, means you do not have to “do” anything. Nothing has to be done. Akram Vignan (The spiritual science of the stepless path to Self-realization) is a wonder! After receiving this Gnan (Self- knowledge), one feels a significant change immediately. Upon hearing this experience people are attracted to this path. In Akram, the main change starts internally. In the Kramic path, purity cannot even happen internally, the reason being one does not have the capacity; there is no such “machinery” and that is why they have resorted to the external method. But when will that external method reach the internal? It will reach the inside when there is unity of mind-speech-body. The main thing is that there is no longer unity of mind-speech-body. 19