Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 25

anger, pride, deceit and greed (krodh-maan-maya-lobh) will go away. The internal suffering will go away. You will no longer experience adverse internal meditation that hurts the self (artadhyan) or adverse internal meditation that hurts the self and others (raudradhyan). This will be your confirmation. Then this task is completed, is it not? Akram Path Makes One Experience the Self, Very Easily In the Kramic path, it is only after one makes so much effort that he will begin to have an idea about the Self, and that is even very faint. However, he will never attain the awareness (laksha) of the Self. He will have to keep the Self in his awareness. Whereas in the path of Akram Vignan, the Self becomes Your experience; You have a direct experience (anubhav) of the Self. Even during a stroke and paralyzed state, when the bliss does not vanish then it is called experience of the Self. During intense hunger within, a severe headache, or severe external difficulties, when inner bliss (shata) prevails, then that is the experience of the Self. Experience of the Self (Atmanubhav) can turn even pain into pleasure and a one with the wrong belief (mithyatvi) will see pain even in pleasant circumstances. It is because of Akram Vignan that the state with the right belief, β€œI am pure Soul,” (samkit) is attained in such a short time. This is a science (vignan) of a very high level. It draws an exact line of demarcation between the Self (Atma) and the non-Self (anatma). I put this line of demarcation that this is your part and that is not your part, within just one hour. If you struggle to do this yourself, you will not accomplish it in a million lives. The One Who Meets β€˜Me’ Is Qualified for Akram Vignan Questioner: For this simple path, do we not need to have any qualifications? 18