Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 27

Akram Manifested as an Exceptional Path Due to Lack of Unity in Thought-Speech-Action
The world has discovered a path of progressing towards liberation ( moksha ) one step at a time . But it is only good as long as one says and does exactly what is in his mind ; it will continue working until then . Otherwise , that path will come to an end . In this era of the current time cycle , such unity of mindspeech-body is broken , and that is why the Kramic path is fractured . That is why I say that it is because the foundation of the Kramic path has become decayed that Akram has arisen . Everything is allowed here ; as you are , the way you are . Here , now that you have met me , sit here . So ‘ we ’ do not bother with what happens externally at all .
Attainment through the Grace of The Gnani Purush
Questioner : The Akram path that you have exposed is fine for a Gnani Purush like you ; it is easy for you . However , it is difficult for us ordinary people living a worldly life and working . So what is the solution for it ?
Dadashri : The Lord of fourteen worlds has manifested within a Gnani Purush . What can you not achieve when you meet such a Gnani Purush ? You do not have to do anything with your energy ( shakti ). It will all happen through his grace . Grace accomplishes everything . Therefore , whatever you ask here , will be accomplished . All you have to do is to remain in the Gnani ’ s Agnas ( special directives given by Dadashri after Self-realization in Gnan Vidhi ). This is Akram Vignan . Therefore , you have to extract your work directly from a living God and that awareness remains every moment , not just for one or two hours .
Questioner : So He will do everything for us if we surrender our all to Him , is that so ?