Silendum 2 | Page 24

6 . A t t e n d m a g i c c o n v e n t i o n s o r entertainment festivals if possible .
Consider putting on a performance for free to a large audience , so that people can see what your business is offering . If people enjoy your performance , they are more likely to become potential paying clients .
7 . Pay a small fee to advertise your business on your local radio or in your local newspaper .
I t โ€™ s w o r t h s p e n d i n g s o m e m o n e y o n advertisements , since the money will come back around to you once new clients book your services .
Networking and advertising is something you will have to be continuously working on as the owner of an entertainment business . There are so many entertainers out there ; you have to make sure your business is constantly making itself known to the public . Furthermore , you have to ensure that potential clients pick you over your competitors .
Continue to follow these easy tips , and you โ€™ ll find that achieving success as an entertainer doesn โ€™ t have to be a struggle !
Remember that in marketing , it ยด s better to do a few things really good than to do many things average .