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THE IMPORTANCE OF SIGNING A CONTRACT your business . It also provides some templates for writing the contracts . You can find this information here [ https :// www . thebalance . com / five-contract-templates-forfreelancers-1360292 ]. Once you have found a good contract template , you need to customize it to make sure it includes : exactly which services you will provide , how long your business relationship with the client will last , how much you will be paid for your services , and when this payment will occur .


THE IMPORTANCE OF SIGNING A CONTRACT your business . It also provides some templates for writing the contracts . You can find this information here [ https :// www . thebalance . com / five-contract-templates-forfreelancers-1360292 ]. Once you have found a good contract template , you need to customize it to make sure it includes : exactly which services you will provide , how long your business relationship with the client will last , how much you will be paid for your services , and when this payment will occur .

Also , you will need to include a clause which will cover situations where you cannot fulfill your end of the agreement . For example , the clause will take effect if you experience a family emergency , or if you are ill and cannot perform .
As an entertainer , the last thing you want to be focusing on is writing up employment contracts . Obviously , entertaining people is the fun part of your job , and the part which you feel is most important . However , when you are a freelance entertainer , drafting and signing a contract with your client is equally as important as the entertainment you provide .
You want to make sure that you and your client are on the same page , that you both understand exactly what you are offering to do for them , and exactly how much you expect to be paid for your services .
Creating a contract that you both must sign before doing business is essential , and ensures that you are both legally required to treat each other fairly . Having a contract means that either of you can take legal action if you feel as though the terms of the contract were not upheld .
Though this may sound daunting , writing a contract doesn ’ t have to be difficult . There are several cheap contract templates available to download online , which are easily customizable .
For an easy-to-understand contract template , PandaDocs provides a good document here [ https :// www . pandadoc . com / freelance-contracttemplate ].
No template can tell you exactly what to put in your contract – this needs to be agreed upon by yourself and your client . You may have to converse with your client and change the terms of the contract several times before you are both content with the agreement .
Disagreeing on the contract ’ s terms with your client may sometimes lead to a loss of business , but this just means that the client wasn ’ t right for you . It ’ s better to lose some business than to be the victim of a scam .
Remember , never finalize and sign a contract unless you are comfortable with the terms included . A contract is supposed to protect your rights and ensure that you are comfortable within a business relationship . Respect yourself and be sure you receive the money and working conditions you deserve .
Of course , if you are still uncertain about how to proceed with a contract , it may be helpful to hire a lawyer to help you through the process .
However , whether you draft the contract yourself or hire a lawyer to do the paperwork for you , having a clear contract is absolutely necessary when running your own entertainment business . Always make sure you and the client know what you ’ re getting into ! Additionally , The Balance details different contract types that businesses use , allowing you to select the ones you feel are most relevant to