Siemens Training Recommendations Resource List Volume 1 April, 2014 | Page 11
Leadership Essentials: Building Your Influence as a Leader (1 hr) (lead_05_a03_bs_enus)
Recognize and classify examples of techniques for influencing people. Recognize actions that use politics to influence
others in a positive way and use influence techniques to persuade others while avoiding the negative use of politics, in
a given scenario.
Techniques for Communicating Effectively with Senior Executives (1 hr)
Determine whether general principles for communicating upward have been followed in a given scenario and match
communication platforms to characteristics. Determine whether relevant guidelines have been followed when using
specific platforms to communicate with senior executives Recognize how to report, make a proposal or make a request
to a senior executive.
Working with Difficult People: Identifying (1 hr) (comm_23_a01_bs_enus)
Identify examples of people displaying difficult behavior and recognize the benefit of being able to identify the types
of difficult people in the workplace. Match examples of difficult behavior in the workplace to types of motivation and
identify which steps to deal with a difficult person have been performed correctly when given a scenario.
Working with Difficult People: Negative People (1 hr) (comm_23_a03_bs_enus)
Identify examples of people who demonstrate negative behavior and determine which aspects of handling negative
behavior were dealt with appropriately in a given scenario. Recognize and apply strategies for dealing with a blamer in
the workplace.
Management Essentials: Delegating (1 hr) (mgmt_15_a02_bs_enus)
Determine what tasks are appropriate to delegate and the right person to delegate them to in a scenario and recognize
how to delegate tasks effectively in a given scenario.
Overcoming Delegation Problems (1 hr) (mgmt_27_a03_bs_enus)
Determine what action to take in solving a delegation problem in a given situation. Determine what action to take to
improve an employee's skills in a given situation and how to get a delegated task back on track when an employee is
resisting. Apply strategies for solving a given delegation problem.
Leading Teams: Establishing Goals, Roles and Guidelines (1 hr) (team_03_a02_bs_enus)
This course covers techniques for laying the foundation for a successful team. These techniques include setting team
goals, assigning roles to individual team members, and defining specific guidelines that outline how team members
should behave to minimize conflict and optimize team performance.
(eLearning, Coaching
You will identify and practice the five (5) keys to coaching success and offer several important coaching tips. Through
exercises and case studies you will learn practical coaching skills and when to use them.
(eLearning, Win-Win Negotiations for Managers
In this course we examine the negotiation process and determine the types of negotiations that cause people the most
difficulty. How to address the behavioral styles of all involved is critical. You’ll review the strategies behind common
negotiation strategies and learn to recognize the pitfalls to avoid. You’ll practice an effective negotiation process that
will help you and the other party, get to win-win.
Bottom Line, Inc.
Recommendations Resource List (Siemens – Revised April, 2014)