Siemens Brand Guidelines (Sep. 2013) | Page 94

Corporate design manual? |? Siemens-Electrogeräte GmbH? |? PoS Two-dimensional PoS materials Roll-ups?/?banners 85?x?250?cm Examples Knows how to remove stains. Knows how to remove stains. The Siemens iQ800 Master Class. The Siemens iQ800 Master Class Siemens. The future moving in. Eye level Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet be doveniam quis nostrud exercit ation ulla mcorper suscipit tem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vul. Siemens. The future moving in. Copy protected area Dimensions 88 The dimension values given here correspond to the template size. The layout can subsequently be scaled up to the desired final size. (Template scale 1?:?5) 120 Variable elements: 14 1 approx.?24 Protected area Knows how to remove stains. “Transparent Layer” The height of the “Big Bar” of the “Transparent Layer” depends on the amount of headline and subhead copy. A guide frame in the template makes it easier to set it to the right height. It is placed at eye level. On roll-ups and banners, due to the narrow format the headline can have three lines, but the subhead still no more than two. 1 The Siemens iQ800 Master Class. See also page 77 Protected area 8 Siemens. The future moving in. 2 Font sizes are variable. 2 See page 76 3 Copy protected area Type area The type area for roll-ups and banners is singlecolumn, with a width of 140?mm. Tagline The tagline must be placed highly legibly in black or white underneath the “Small Bar” and left-aligned with the URL. Make sure the protected areas are maintained. On applications with full-format image: • All dimension and size specifications are applied. • The image is expanded to the format margin and there is no body copy. • The tagline is 8?mm below the “Small Bar” and left-aligned with the headline and URL. 4 4 94 Fig. at 22?% Dimensions in mm S  ee chapter “Advertisements?&?posters”, page 70 ff.