Siemens Brand Guidelines (Sep. 2013) | Page 113

Corporate design manual? |? Siemens-Electrogeräte GmbH? |? Eye-catchers Design basics Typographic eye-catchers Examples and dimensions Typographic eye-catchers are used like pictogram eye-catchers. The Siemens Mediacenter database will in the future include all typographic eye-catchers at a uniform size of 24?x?24?mm. They can be scaled for all other application sizes. Application sizes see page 116 ff. Alignment Copy is left-justified and builds from b ­ ottom to top Color Typographic eye-catchers can be in Siemens Stone or a Siemens accent color. Typeface and color Copy is set in Siemens Sans Bold in white (Siemens Snow). Font size is predefined and mandatory. Dimensions in the master format (24?x?24?mm) 24? 24? Weltneuheit 2 3 3 Typeface family: Siemens Sans Type style: Bold Font size: varies Line spacing: to fit the font size Left-justified right ragged Color: White (Siemens Snow) 3 Typographic eye-catcher supplements If typographic eye-catchers are needed that are not in the database, they can be created individually. They must be based on the general Siemens font size table. Spacing to the edge of the square and font sizes are predefined and mandatory. Size recommendations (spacing to the edge of the square and font sizes) The font size depends on the size of the eye-catcher. Minimum and maximum sizes are defined. The line spacing in eye-catchers always follows the font size. Sizes Copy eye-catchers Spacing below (in mm) Spacing to the left (in mm) Spacing to the right (in mm) Recommended font size (in pt) Font sizes (in pt) min. max. 56?x?56?mm 8.5 6.5 min. 8 26 22 52 52?x?52?mm 8 6 min. 7 22 18 44 48?x?48?mm 7.5 5.5 min. 6 22 18 44 44?x?44?mm 7 5 min. 6 18 15 36 40?x?40?mm 6.5 4.5 min. 5 18 15 36 36?x?36?mm 6 4 min. 4 15 13 30 32?x?32?mm 6 4 min. 4 13 11 26 28?x?28?mm 5 3 min. 3 11 9 22 24?x?24?mm 3 3 min. 3 9 7.5 18 1 5 20?x?20?mm 3 2 min. 2 9 7.5 16?x?16?mm 3 2 min. 2 7.5 6.5 13 12?x?12?mm 2 1 min. 1 7.5 6.5 11 113