Siemens Brand Guidelines (Sep. 2013) | Page 110

Corporate design manual? |? Siemens-Electrogeräte GmbH? |? Eye-catchers Design basics Sizes Formats and eye-catcher sizes The Siemens Mediacenter database will in the future include all eye-catchers at a u ­ niform starting size of 24?x?24?mm. Eye-catcher sizes have been defined for all standard formats. The eye-catchers can be scaled as needed. On layouts in other p ­ roportions, eye-catcher sizes should follow the nearest standard format. 29 29 minutes 29 29 minutes 36?x?36?mm 40?x?40?mm 29 minutes 29 minutes 28?x?28?mm 32?x?32?mm 29 minutes 29 minutes 20?x?20?mm 24?x?24?mm (master) 29 29 minutes 29 minutes 16?x?16?mm 110 12?x?12?mm