Siemens Brand Guidelines (Sep. 2013) | Page 109

Corporate design manual? |? Siemens-Electrogeräte GmbH? |? Eye-catchers Design basics Colors Special case: energy labels Energy labels are in special colors that intentionally differ from the Siemens corporate colors, so in this case it is permitted to combine two colors. Special colors A +++ Energie Energy Green CMYK 50?|?0?|?95?|?25 7L Wasser Energy Blue CMYK 100?|?0?|?0?|?63 A +++ Energie Keeps vegetables fresh. Intelligent freezing technology from Siemens. • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit seder diam nonummy • Nibh euismod tinc idunt ut laoreet dolor essent magna aliquam erat volet ut • Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam quis nos truds exerci tation ullamco suscipitl. Example of sticker with eye-catchers in two colors Don’ts 29 minutes Super silent Lorem Dolor sem • Just one accent color is permitted per layout, topic, or publication. The color of an eye-catcher that will be used in different publications must be adjusted as necessary. varioSpeed • The primary colors Siemens Snow and Siemens Sand cannot be used for eye-catchers. 29 minutes 29 minutes • Individual colorations and color c ­ ombinations are not permitted. 29 minutes 29 minutes • The warning color red is reserved for marking individual elements inside warning pictograms, and must not be over-used. 109