Siemens Brand Guidelines (Sep. 2013) | Page 108

Corporate design manual? |? Siemens-Electrogeräte GmbH? |? Eye-catchers Design basics Colors Siemens primary colors Siemens Snow Siemens Stone Siemens Sand The eye-catcher square is in the primary color Siemens Stone, or preferably a Siemens accent color with full saturation. The color is always the same as the one used in the “Small Bar”. The pictogram or copy is white (Siemens Snow). The color can be lightened for details within the pictogram. Just one accent color is permitted per layout, topic, or publication. Keeps fruits and vegetables fresh 2 x longer. Siemens hydroFresh – exactly the right humidty, exactly where it´s needed. Siemens accent colors Sent la ad tion hendreet autpate esse feuisl utatisl illa conulla corem vullum del ullamet, si ercipit in ulsem luptat ea con henit utatueriusci tionsequat. Duisisit lum do dolobor alisis nummod magna feugue tatuer et sum nos ea facilla faccum nos enet dignim nonum do conse tat atem. Niurem in utet utpat, volore feugiametuer alit digna consectet at. Ut ea faciduisit lum in vullut wis nis nulet laore molobor eriure feu facilis dolorem ing exer acillutpatem veratem niat. Nalit lorperos lorem nostrud. Never defrost again. Knows how to remove stains. The Siemens iQ800 Master Class with stain removal system. So intelligent, it measures and dispenses the detergent itself. The less space there is, the more valuable it is – especially in the kitchen. For people who want all that a 60 cm unit can give, but without the 60 cm, there are now the new speedMatic45 dishwashers from Siemens. With the new duoPower double spray arm they can wash ten complete standard settings, and do it more Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte tuer adipiscing elitused diam nonumy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dol oresus magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam quis nos trud exercitation ullamcorper suscipitl obortis nisl utaliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute movell etrum iriur dolor in hendrerit in vulputate laoreet dol oress magnas ali quietly and efficiently than ever thanks to the new iQdrive motor and varioSpeed you will even wash in just half the time if you so desire. What will you have in the future? 60 cm of performance in 45 cm of space. AntifleckenSystem autoStain removal Siemens. The future moving in. Siemens. The future moving in. Complete overview of all colors: See chapter „Design elements”, page 25 ff. Eye-catchers used together must be in the same color. Extrem leise aquaStop® activeClean® Weltneuheit Special case: catalogs Catalog pages can have up to eight eye-catchers each. They should be in the primary color Siemens Stone. A maximum of three eye-catchers can be in an accent color – c ­ oordinated with the overall publication – to call out special highlights. That means that in this case eye-catchers can be in two colors. Extrem leise power Induktion Lorem Dolor sem Separate °C-Regelung 108 aquaStop® activeClean® Lorem Dolor sem Lorem Dolor sem