Sid's Opened Lid Do You Have SOL? Issue 1 June 2014 | Page 28

Timothy Liu: Professor of the Month

Every month Sid's Opened Lid tries to find an English professor who has some experience in the publishing world and provides our audience with something written by said professor. The content can range from previously published material to advice for new writers trying to get published and find the community that best fits them in the vast world of literature.

To start us off, in this particular issue we have a collection of 3 poems written by Timothy Liu : The Betrothal, The Drive-Thru and Translating Holderlin.

TIMOTHY LIU is the author of nine books of poems, including the forthcoming Don’t Go Back To Sleep. He has also been featured in a number of literary magazines including The Southampton Review and Typo Magazine. He lives in Manhattan with his husband. Read more at


I am standing at the altar

ready to flee. Never

has fidelity been so easy

on a body that knows how to

pleasure itself. No wonder

marriages are duller than

grunts rising from the rear

of shag-carpeted mini vans.

No wonder your mouth runs

over me like a Mustang

through a thunder storm


with the top down, my hair

standing up on end, my tongue

doing push ups in my throat

as it tries to get in shape.

Forget about bands of gold

when there are holes enough

for every last finger. Chew me

to the new moons. Show me

stars only lovers can see

on the flats of their backs,

sirens in the distance

scraping against our ears

like a gravedigger's shovel

left on the steps of a church.