Sid's Opened Lid Do You Have SOL? Issue 1 June 2014 | Page 29



He takes a woman

into his mouth,

tongues ovals around

her clit, then says

he has as much feeling

for her as he does

an Eskimo Pie, could

plow through a box

in a single afternoon

if it were hot enough!

Hard to resist a man

who doesn't hold back

his tongue. No worries,

she says, I'm clean.


Naked by the fire, I settle in

with all the versions I could find

after my neighbors have gone?

empty bottles spilling over

recycle bins, the conversations

I won?t remember. Only his words

hanging in the air. The hubris

trying on a tongue I haven?t

mastered?swans out of season

dipping their heads into holy

water overhung with roses

and golden pears?wayward

drafts that I throw into the fire.

Lorra Heutmaker : The Self-Proclaimed Aspiring Wannabe

"I have been writing since my teen years and have been published twice, once for poetry and a short story. I am presently attempting to write a book. Writing has been put on hold raising 4 children but recently I have renewed interest. The written word to me sometimes mirrors the inner you." -Lorra Heutmaker

Lorra kayaking with her yougest son. Photo found at