Short Waves Festival 2017 Short Waves Festival 2017 (katalog/catalogue) | Page 48

dances with camera
set II
( A Blood Stained Ballet )
W swojej sypialni kobieta musi walczyć z mężczyzną , który w niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach wyszedł z jej szafy . Nieznajomy próbuje uwieść kobietę , ale staje się coraz bardziej brutalny .
In her bedroom , a young woman must fight to protect herself against a man who came
mysteriously out of the closet . Man tries to seduce her but becomes more and more violent .
France 2016 . 16 ’. Director : Étienne Chédeville . Production : 6TMD FILMS
Moralność bawi , eksplorując oczekiwania lat 70-tych .
A morality play exploring anticipation and the ’ 70s .
USA 2016 . 9 ’. Director : Ben Estabrook . Production : Amy Seiwert ’ s Imagery
Ben Estabrook is a dance filmmaker , educator and lecturer . He graduated World Arts & Cultures at the University of California and Arts in Film & Media Arts at the University of Utah . He helped to found the San Francisco Dance Film Festival , for which he is the Technical Director . Contact : annika @ asimagery . org
Étienne Chédeville is a director , screenwriter and musician . After studying cinema three years long in Paris University , he is making his last year , learning screenwriting in “ INSAS ” school ( in Brussels ). He directed two short films : ” Since God Died ” and ” A Blood Stained Ballet ”. Contact : etiennechedeville @ hotmail . fr