dances with camera
set II
W świecie , w którym płeć kulturowa jest odwrócona , mężczyzna usiłuje uwolnić się od strumienia alienacji , uprzedzeń i stygmatyzacji . Ucieleśnia emancypację , domaga się równości seksualnej .
Wymykając się przez palce czasu , poszukujemy wolności i spełnienia w tej surrealistycznej , bogatej wizualnie opowieści .
In a world where gender is reversed , a man tries to free himself from the torrent of alienation , prejudice and stigma . Embodying emancipation , claiming sexual equality .
Belgium 2016 . 8 ’. Director : Sebastien De Buyl . Production : Terlingua Films & Hélios
Sebastien De Buyl was born in Texas in 1987 . At the age of 13 he moved to Brussels where he has been working since . Photography , illustration and Fine arts are his passions until he directs his first short films . In 2013 he directed his first feature film “ Lone Wolf “. “ Twist “ is his first dance film . Contact : sebastien . debuyl @ gmail . com
Slipping through the fingers of time , we follow a search for freedom and fulfilment in this visually rich and surreal tale .
United Kingdom 2016 . 3 ’. Director : Roswitha Chesher . Production : Artstrust Productions
Roswitha Chesher initially trained as a dancer and choreographer and currently creates dance films , installations and integrated film / live performances , collaborating with many leading dancemakers across Europe . Her work has been screened both nationally and internationally . Contact : info @ vitafilms . co . uk