Short Waves Festival 2017 Short Waves Festival 2017 (katalog/catalogue) | Page 46

dances with camera
set II
Kobieta stara się wyzbyć emocjonalnej pustki , która nie pozwala jej poczuć żadnego fizycznego przywiązania do życia . Decyduje się na desperacką podróż , poszukując sposobu , aby poczuć rzeczywistość świata .
One woman ’ s fight to shed the emotional inhibition which prevents her from feeling any true physical connection to her life . Through her desperate journey , she seeks a way to feel the reality of her world .
United Kingdom 2015 . 16 ’. Director : Jo Cork . Production : Jo Cork
Jo Cork studied at The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts . She made work for Liverpool ’ s LEAP Dance Festival and Ludus Dance Cuts . Dancer , performer , choreographer and free-lance teacher . Contact : jo . cork00 @ googlemail . com
Pośród majestatycznego krajobrazu pól uprawnych , kobieca społeczność gromadzi się , aby wspólnie przeżywać chrzest . Wschodząc i zachodząc niczym słońce i cień , “ Plow Plant Reap ” celebruje radość i porządek zwieńczone żniwami .
Against a majestic landscape of rolling farmland , an all-female community comes together , joining in a baptism and a roundelay . Arriving and leaving like sun and shadow , “ Plow Plant Reap ” celebrates the joy and order that culminate in harvest .
USA 2015 . 13 ’. Director : Marta Renzi . Production : And Dancers , Inc .
Marta Renzi directed more than 20 short films which have won awards in about 100 festivals internationally , and is a seventime recipient of funding from the National Endowment for the Arts . As a choreographer she created more than 75 dances for her Project Company , as well as preparing work for groups across the USA and abroad . Contact : marta . renzi @ gmail . com