Shine Now! Magazine August - Freedom August 2016 3 Volume 1 | Page 14

Strive to get at least thirty minutes of activity per day . Remember that you can divide your activity throughout the day ( i . e . 10 minutes , 15 minutes or 20 minutes segments etc .). In other words , you don ’ t have to do all your physical activity at one time .
So , you don ’ t have to worry about scheduling time to “ exercise ” without your children ! In fact you can make fitness a family affair !
Also , if you are stuck in the office , but want to be more fit there are some things you can do to get moving while on the job .
Here are a few ideas to get you started :
At work :
1 . Skip the elevator and use the stairs .
2 . Stand up for two minutes at least one time within an hour . Twist your body from side to side while standing . Do some lunges or march in place for a few minutes .
3 . During your lunchtime go outside and take a walk while taking deep breaths .
4 . Bring an exercise ball to work and do some of your work on it .
5 . Park your car at a distance away from where you work and walk .