Sherman ISD Building Bearcats Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 10
Preparing for a Career Starts
Early - New Online Tool Helps
Guide Student College and
Career Plans
What do you want to be when you
grow up?
This is a question we’ve all been asked at least
once in our life. For some children, it’s easy to
answer in kindergarten - a firefighter, astronaut,
teacher, singer, or doctor. But by the time
children enter middle and high school, answering
that question becomes more difficult.
“Students really need to start thinking about
career planning in middle school,” said Dr.
Tamy Smalskas, assistant superintendent for
student engagement and success, “we want to
set students up for success after high school
graduation, and we know establishing a high
school graduation plan that aligns with a
student’s interests and abilities will lead them
toward a fulfilling and rewarding career.”
To help guide students with college and career
planning, Sherman ISD is implementing an online
resource called Naviance. The tool allows each
student to create a personalized plan focused
on strengths and interests that can be used
to help make course selections and college
and career planning decisions throughout the
academic journey.