SHARE Magazine July 2017 | Page 7

1 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Poverty not as in finances as some might think but poor in spirit, the opposite to being proud and haughty. When we are poor in spirit we are empty of self, only then can we be filled. Being prideful causes us to hurt others and ourselves. Do we see that we cannot do anything except through Him that gives us life? Proverbs 6:16-19 talks of the things that God hates and the first is haughty eyes. God is not interested in what you have or who you have become but your relationship with Him. Humbly come before His throne. 2 Blessed are they that mourn: for they will be comforted Jesus, in Luke 4, reads from Isaiah 61 that discusses mourning. We may have lost a loved one and may mourn deeply but could He be referring to more than just mourning death? Could it be they had lost not only everything but they were in a strange place being oppressed with no hope? When we come out of sin we may mourn our past: how could we have been as bad as we had been? We can see the world we were once part of and our softened hearts break when we see it as God sees it. However, our mourning turns to gladness when we see a glorious hope in Jesus. 3 Blessed are the meek: for they will inherit the earth This beatitude is very much like the promise in Psalm 37:11, “The meek shall possess the land.” A Messianic psalm where the land of Canaan was Promised to the Israelites. Today, it is the New Covenant that we will all inherit. Meekness and humility is also one of the fruits of the Spirit; they are produced in the Christian by the Holy Spirit. When you are gentle and humble you can be a defender of the weak and oppressed in Jesus’ name. We have an eternal hope for the future when we step up for Jesus. 4 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they will be filled This beatitude is deeper than you may at first think, it’s not just speaking about acts of righteousness but the passion and desire we have for it. In Isaiah 11:5- 6, foretell the characteristics of Jesus; ‘the stem of Jesse’; He will wear righteousness like a belt and truth like an undergarment. Judah had become very corrupt and was surrounded with aggressive and intimidating foreign countries. They desperately needed a revival, to turn away from self-centredness and give fairness to the poor and oppressed. The righteousness that God wanted most is that they turn away from sin. As then, today we face many hard choices but some do settle for the safe or popular option not the right one. Just because the majority feels that something is right doesn’t make it right! 5 Blessed are the merciful: for they will be shown mercy Grace is so apparent here. How many times have you received undeserved mercy? Therefore should you not also be merciful? Jesus has given you mercy but it only manifests when you have a deep spiritual experience and relationship with Him. When you understand that grace you also show it, through acts of mercy to others. 6 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they will see God The heart is used in the Bible to describe the intentions of will and thoughts that we have. The purer we become the more we act out the nature of God. “To the pure all things are pure,” Titus 1:15 We have the best expectations of others and wish the best for them; we are not encumbered by negative thoughts such as jealousy, malice and offence. Matthew 15:19 describes people outside of God’s faith from whose heart comes evil thoughts etc... When we meet our Lord He gives us a new heart, isn’t He wonderful? 7 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they’ll be called children of God The whole purpose and plan of redemption is to have peace with God. We were once alienated but now we are children of our one true God. We should always be reflecting God’s peace in this hostile, hate driven world. Only God’s righteous love will drive out the hatred that thrives today providing the place for peace to dwell. 8 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Timothy 3:12 says, when you live a Godly life and be more like Jesus, you will be ridiculed and persecuted. Don’t let something define you, let it refine you. Sometimes, if you put your head above the parapet it will be a target but if you remain faithful you will be blessed. Hold fast to that as times will become more difficult; persevere and yours is the Kingdom of Heaven: what a reward? These beatitudes are revelations for everyday living in the Holy Spirit. Our hope/expectation rests in Jesus and if we persevere and remain faithful in Him, we will be fulfilled when the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.’ Matthew 25:34 p July - September 2017 By Teresa L. Randle Missionary, Preacher and Bible Teacher SHARE | MAGAZINE | 7