Rebuilding the Tower of
You may be familiar with the story of the Tower of Babel spoken of in Genesis 11:1- 9 . The Tower of Babel was a united effort by a community of people to touch heaven through something they built . We know that men like Enoch and Elijah was taken up into heaven because they walked with God but here was a people united behind their leader Nimrod , who were determined to do it without God .
Today we are experiencing a revived Tower of Babel where a growing number of people are determined to touch heaven using their own man made systems and structures . This 21st Century Babel could be referred to as ‘ the Church that man built ’. A man made structure with a supernatural agenda .
We are not here suggesting that God ’ s people do not have building work to do . We work with God in the building of His Kingdom or better yet , the Holy Spirit works through us in the building of God ’ s Kingdom . Instead , what we hope to do , is to highlight the fact that we could possibly be building our own , man made thing in the name of God not realising that all such work is fruitless effort . Jehovah God , Yahweh , does not live in temples made by human hands .
The price for our salvation was too high to be humanly met . There was no way possible we could fulfil its requirements , so God came down in flesh and paid it for us . Similarly , Jesus must build His Church , man and his money are woefully inadequate to realise this task . Jesus said , “ My kingdom is not of this world …” Entry into His heavenly Kingdom cannot be bought or earned by us , neither can this Kingdom be built with bricks and mortar .
“ We see money as more important than it really is . Money is powerless to generate spiritual activity , and lack of money is powerless to cramp it . We have forgotten to listen to God ’ s plans and have totally underestimated His power .” Money Isn ’ t God - So why is the Church Worshiping It ? - by John White - pg . 52
How Man Builds Vs How God Builds The power of man is natural like money but the power of God is supernatural like His Holy Spirit . Today Christians come together to sign petitions or to have a march when they need political decisions made in their favour . This is the Church adapting human methods by putting faith in the strength of numbers , the very thing God detests . You will notice throughout Scriptures that God will often use a very small number of people to bring about great victories or changes . Understanding our total inadequacy and God ’ s all sufficiency is vital to any Spiritual mobility .
On the day of Pentecost over 3000 were genuinely saved though not a penny was spent on advertising , hall rental or on expenses for securing the services of a celebrity preacher . It is recorded that during such times God was adding to the Church daily . Today , contrary to this example , we see folks adding to ‘ their church ’ using all manner of salesmanship ,
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