SHARE Magazine July 2017 | Page 6

the attitudes W Jesus’ Manifesto Of His Kingdom We should ask ourselves, are we good disciples of Jesus? Matthew 5 sets out what should be our attitude. Jesus’ increasing popularity had the crowds flock to Him, in recognition of His anointing. No microphones or amplifiers necessitated inventiveness. So, to accommodate the crowds He climbed a hill and sat above them, so that they could all hear him, a natural amphitheatre. Typical of the Rabbis then, He sat down to teach and the disciples surrounded Him. He taught what we call The Beatitudes, a revolutionary teaching that flipped the script on Jewish traditions up to that point. Beatitude means blessed, the word blessed is more than just happiness or blissfulness but a deeper, really deep joy in your soul; a spiritual well-being that surpasses all wisdom and understanding; a foretaste of heaven that can only be achieved 6 | SHARE | MAGAZINE by being right with God. The opposite to being blessed is living in misery. Should the disciples have felt any importance because they were chosen especially by Jesus, they were about to get a shock! We need to bear in mind that the Gospel of Matthew was written for a Jewish audience, steeped in Hebrew traditions and rituals. Matthew emphasises that Jesus is the Christ or Messiah, they had been expecting; who was foretold of in the Old Testament, their own Hebrew Scriptures but as we can see they had missed it. Humankind had missed it in the Garden of Eden, man took the fruit in disobedience to God, exchanging the truth for a lie. They thought they would be as all-knowing as God and ended up cursed. Jesus shows a way of blessing that removes the curse of sin without any effort on man’s July - September 2017 part. The 10 commandments were all “Thou shalt nots,” the rules the Jews had been expected to live by but couldn’t quite achieve in entirety and neither could we. Thankfully, Jesus provided another way, not based on performance but based on who we become; a new transformed man; with a new heart. How different and radical is this? Jesus offers us a way of life that not only promises eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven but a settled peace in the midst of daily trials and tribulations. He teaches about humility, compassion and brotherly love that transforms our lives to be more like Him. The beatitudes depict the ideal Christian disciple and their rewards both present and future, a lifelong transformation in our Christian journey. Let’s look at them in more detail...