SHARE Magazine July 2017 | Page 3

C ontents EDITORIAL 4 REFLECTIONS FEATURE ARTICLES #youthSHARE 22 Youth views on topical issues: Measuring Youth Stress Levels. The BE-attitudes 6 They depict the ideal Christian disciple and their rewards both present and future. Rebuilding the Tower of Babel 8 ‘The Church that man built’. A man made structure with a supernatural agenda. The Benefits of Intimacy 10 God did not only create us for intimacy with Himself, but for intimacy with one another. Fruitfulness vs Fretfulness 12 Scripture says, do not fear or be dismayed cast your burden on the Lord. World In View Global Headlines... Critical Questions. 14 The Work Hard Religion 16 They say, we are the only ones that can redeem ourselves. Don’t Strive Just Be An eagle worships in flight, a stallion worships with every majestic stride. 6 Returning to God’s Rest 24 We must be stripped in order to come back into our created nature of purity. Did You Know? Stress Kills 26 The Story Teller The Axe is at the Root 28 Prayer Corner Remembering vulnerable communities. 30 Note To Self By Angela Slack 32 Paper Staircase Poem by Angela Slack 33 8 In Praise Of Hymn 34 Reviewing Great Christian Hymns: – Take My Life And Let It Be 18 TESTIMONY 20 10 12 “That to me, is what genuine salvation is, a death and resurrection experience.” 14 WORLD IN VIEW 16 July - September 2017 18 SHARE | MAGAZINE | 3