SHARE Magazine July 2017 | Page 2 Faith vs Works Faith Without Works is Dead People continue to misunderstand what is A faith filled heart may produce many actions such meant when James said “ without works is as the reading of God’s word, kindness to others Who is (James this God 2:21) that we worship? Well, Jonah supplies us with basic it answer. He produce is “the God of dead.” Those who misunderstand etc. But one a thing will always is speech heaven” and as tend such, to He get is the exalted He to is the Ruler of the God. universe. His sovereignty not in this statement busy in an One. effort that glorifies A person who never is speaks the arena of dispute nor His power or ability. He is the God of heaven. demonstrate the fact that they have faith. One gloriously about Jesus cannot be considered The earth is not exempt from will His always control produce and rule. Political in His I hands and He does Morley what must understand that faith saved. – power “In his is book Surrender, Patrick He pleases in the affairs of men. He establishes rulers or removes them from office. Authority and action but action is not always as a result of faith. writes that the Church’s integrity problem is in might is are in His hands there by is no power His will. Faith confirmed and and proven what we that do can the withstand misconception ‘that we can add Christ to our Despite His great might and power, He is merciful and forgiving. He keeps His It promises and in His and say just as it happened when we got saved. lives, but not subtract sin. is a change belief covenants. He has appointed Christians special servants, in to behaviour.’ magnify His Paul speaks And of this process in Romans 10:10 to “... be His without a change He name goes and on to to do His will. Part of that will is to share the knowledge of His salvation through Christ with lost it is with your mouth that you profess your faith say, ‘It is revival without reformation, without humanity - lost in sin. heart that finds faith in Jesus repentance.” – Change in belief will be reflected and are saved.” The He loves sinners but hates sin. Sin our angers the will God of He has the transfers action to the mouth, mouth in heaven. a change Therefore, of behaviour but provided do not ever depend means whereby sins can be forgiven. Furthermore, to encourage us to to appropriate the So means, He then continuously professes Jesus as Lord. That’s on your behaviour create belief. stop trying has provided through His Son, He has sent the Holy Spirit to convict us and urge us unto salvation. how the salvation process works, this person is to do things for God, just have faith in Him and The God of heaven and answers prayer. He is He the will God mighty deeds you. and wonderful works. saved. Jesus Himself hears confirms this process when do of things through When in difficulty, call upon Him and He will provide the guidance in your crisis. It is this God who he spoke in Matthew 12:34 “... For out of the has promised eternal kingdom of righteousness on this earth. Devotion For July 1, 2017 abundance of to the establish heart the an mouth speaks.” by Homer Slack