A Form Of Godliness
The modern
Church has become a place of ritual as we spend less and less time in a personal , intimate relationship with our Lord and depend on others ( pastors and leaders to point us to Him .) God help the overworked pastors and so-called “ Worship leaders ” in these congregations . This is sad and that is why we aren ’ t the powerhouse of prayer and miracles that we should be . Worship has been relegated to a performance where we exhibit our best gifts in all sincerity but there is no real encounter with God and the Holy Spirit is not allowed to orchestrate and lead the proceedings ; we plan it , we lead and then close it to suit our schedule . One day the true worshippers will assemble together and sing , dance , speak out of the overflow of the rivers of living waters within them and offer God a pleasing sacrifice . Then we won ’ t have to ever ask if God did receive our worship ; on that day even the baby in hand will know that God did manifest His Glory and power .
Abide in the Vine Jesus ’ uses the metaphor of the vine and the branches to remind us that He is the source and that we remain lush and fruitful only if we stay connected to Him . The understanding we get from this concept is that anyone not connected to Jesus withers and dies and anyone who is connected but refuses to produce fruit will be cut off by the gardener who is God . In both scenarios the disconnected or unproductive branches end up in the fire . Jesus says John 15:1-6 “ I am the true vine , and My Father is the vinedresser . Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away , and every branch that bears fruit He prunes , that it
4 | SHARE | MAGAZINE July - September 2017
Fruitless Toil
may bear more fruit . You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you . Abide in Me , and I in you . As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself , unless it abides in the vine , neither can you , unless you abide in Me . I am the vine , you are the branches . He who abides in Me , and I in him , bears much fruit ; for without Me you can do nothing . If anyone does not abide in Me , he is cast out as a branch and is withered ; and they gather them and throw them into the fire , and they are burned .”
We seem to be concerned only about those who have not yet been connected to the vine ( the unbeliever ) but do not realise that those who are connected but unproductive or those who were connected but have disconnected themselves ( carnal Christians ) are also in danger . The never connected , disconnected and unproductive all have the same end . Let ’ s carefully examine our position are we truly hidden IN Christ , are we IN the Vine ?
If not , Jesus is only a prayer away . He is more than willing and more than able to restore us back to our rightful place in the Garden of God ’ s Fellowship . If we are then , let us all draw closer to the God who is already within us waiting to manifest His glory through us by reading His word and obeying it and in prayer and fasting . Let ’ s begin encountering the manifest presence in our personal time at home , in our cars etc ... so that communal assembling together will once more be an out pouring of His Glory . Christ in us , our hope of Glory !!!
“ Let ’ s come out of the sycamore tree ( charismatic Zacchaeus mind set ) and stand for righteousness . The pure in heart shall see God . Go after spiritual teachings and practices .” Leonie Lester
Angela Slack
Editor and Co-founder
Volume 5 - Issue 3
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SHARE MAGAZINE is a FREE Christian quarterly that deals with challenging Christian topics that have been mostly ignored or left unanswered . The magazine includes written articles , poems and thoughts etc .
Read our online version at www . TheShareMagazine . com where you can go to our blog to discuss articles or order a printed version . If you would like to submit articles , join our writers group , or to get involved in any other way kindly email us . SHARE MAGAZINE is produced by Select Arrow , the publishing arm of United In Christ charity number 1140448 .
Throughout this magazine the editor & contributors seek to present a balanced and accurate view of Scripture ’ s teaching . We are all on a journey of studying and understanding God ’ s Word . Because of this , all we can offer is as balanced an understanding as the Holy Spirit has offered us at this time . The views or opinions represented in this publication are personal to each of our contributors and may not fully represent those of any other contributor or editor .
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