SHARE Magazine July 2017 | Page 15

In View . Critical Questions War in Syria, who is siding with whom? Putin’s political posturing protects the Assad regime, ignores millions of displaced and dying Syrian refugees. The problem becomes one for Europe to solve, as the neighbouring Arab countries distance themselves. Country line up: Pro Assad vs Against Assad Pro: Russia, N. Korea, China and Iran, Lebanon, Bahrain and Yemen Against: USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Saudi, Turkey, Australia, Israel Japan, S. Korea and Spain. Yemen - Millions of Civilians Starve Saudi Arabia is starving Yemeni rebels by blockading supplies and air striking strategic targets... The western press isn’t vigorously reporting the record high death toll of starving and displaced Yemenis because their governments are supporting the war via arms and intelligence. The Saudis want, to end the Yemeni civil war with the return of the depose