Work Hard
A young lady recently told me that while
she was away visiting a relative she went
along with them to one of their Church’s
Bible studies. As a young Christian,
she anticipated a study where the Bible
would be prayerfully read and discussed
but nothing like that happened. No one
at this Bible study had a physical Bible,
and that’s not too bad, as maybe they had
Bible apps on their phones. The problem
however, is that they didn’t need a Bible
in this ‘Bible study’. The lady who led
spoke mainly about how we should be
positive and should positively affirm
people around us at our workplaces etc...
so that we can win them (she did not
say for what or to whom we are to win
them.) The very young Christian relating
this to me was obviously disappointed
that there was nothing in that meeting
that fed her soul. The meeting was
nothing but positive, motivational fluff.
To her credit she was brave enough to
ask, “to what end are we to do all of
this?” There was no satisfactory answer.
Such meetings and messages are not
strange among the modern, popular,
emerging ‘Churches’. It is no surprise to
hear more motivational talk than gospel
coming from these pulpits (I assume
you know what the true message of the
gospel is). It’s as if motivational talk
is the new gospel. This is an end time
strategy of the spirit of Antichrist that
has infiltrated the Church. Another
devilish rhetoric that accompanies this
motivational deception is the ‘work
hard’ and ‘achieve your dreams’ type
message. The number of Christians on
social media posting speeches of this
sort by celebrities who have ‘made it
big’... would lead you to think that these
people were heroes of the faith. They
however are not preaching the gospel
according to Scriptures but according
to their own misguided interpretation.
It’s motivational talk, punctuated with
religious jargons.
The Cult of Self-Actualization
So what is the jist of their message?
1. ‘Keep working, keep striving, never
give up’
2. ‘If you can dream it, you can do it’
July - September 2017
(taken from Walt Disney)
3. ‘Never give up on your dreams’
4. ‘You can be whatever you want to be’
5. ‘You can achieve anything if you
work hard’
Their message conditions our minds to
believe in ourselves and in earthly gains
but Jesus’ message teaches otherwise.
Jesus says…
“...without Me you can do nothing.” John
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
Paul also speaks differently. He says…
“ those things which are above,
where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of
God. Set your mind on things above, not
on things on the earth.”
Often you will hear individuals tell
stories of how these people and others
overcame great odds through self
motivation to achieve what most others
coveted. They paint a picture of success