SHARE Magazine July 2017 | Page 14

WORLD Global Headlines... E.U. watches on tenterhooks as Brexit Hangs in the Balance British elections yield a hung Parliament, Brexit is caught in the balance. Results suggest that economic anxiety is higher on people’s priority list than partisan politics. Election analysts claim swing voters caused Prime Minister, Theresa May to lose critical seats in Parliament on the run up to Brexit negotiations; “it was not so much the Brexit itself but everyday bread and butter issues as people were more hung up on the Conservative austerity measures than the closing of the deal with Europe.” BBC News. The Tories must strike a deal with the DUP of Northern Ireland to gain a majority and they want a hard Brexit. However, to quell the inter party bickering it looks like a *hard brexit with a soft landing is on the horizon. *See Jargon Buster page 27 U.K. Crisis in June Threatens End of May Manchester city concert bombed, three attacks in London by “homegrown” terrorists. Lone British national responds by attacking London Mosque during Ramadan. Meanwhile, the MI5/MI6/ Ministry of Defence and Home Office of Britain knowingly allowed home grown terrorists to return to the UK. Grenfell Tower Fire, The Final Nail in Tories Coffin Citizens protest negligence in fire regulations and slow response of Government agencies in rehousing victims of Grenfell Tower...a public inquest has begun. What is left is, [A Divided Kingdom]- “red (Labour Party) vs blue, (Conservative Party) rich vs poor and leave vs remain.” Theresa May, UK, P.M. Qatar, The “Club Med For Terrorists”? The Arab country of Qatar, bordered by Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf, has been accused of allowing terror financiers to operate within its borders. The country has been called “the Club Med for Terrorists” and “most two-faced nation in the world, backing the U.S.-led coalition against the militants of the Islamic State while providing a permissive environment”, in the words of one top American official, “for terrorist financiers to operate with impunity”. Accusations come from a wide variety of sources including intelligence reports, government officials, and journalists. The Telegraph, a British newspaper, even started a “Stop the Funding of Terror” journalism campaign. [1] INDIA - Poverty Punctuates Prejudices Indian girls are regularly kidnapped and made into sex slaves, female foeticide rises as Indian girl babies are still aborted by rich and poor alike. Poor people have their kidneys stolen by ruthless organ traffickers. Christians and Hindus are still being persecuted by Muslims. • What is the Indian government doing about these humanitarian issues? [2] Read more: Read more: [1] [2] 14 | SHARE | MAGAZINE July - September 2017