Take time to notice within yourself these two energies , honoring the expression of both in your life .
As you master allowing your Yin and Yang expressions to exist in balance , it naturally dissolves much of the suffering within life . There is a great deal of anxiety , depression , and angst in many people ’ s lives due to the repression of either their masculine or feminine expression .
Many people are still closely identified with the energy associated with their gender , causing an unconscious repression of the seemingly opposing energy .
The paradox is that both energies can exist simultaneously in balance , even while outwardly appearing to oppose one another .
An indication that you are losing balance would be the arising of any negativity within you . This negativity can take the form of stress , anxiety , depression , anger , frustration , boredom , or any other negative state .
Again , it is not something to analyze and judge how much of which type of energy is being expressed through you , but rather an opportunity to feel into each moment , holding the intention to find balance between these two aspects of the Self .
As soon as you feel out of balance in any way ( some form of negativity arising within you ) it is a wonderful opportunity to notice what thoughts or beliefs you are holding onto which may be repressing either your masculine or feminine energy .
Feel . Express . Release .