I am the victim . I am the savior . I am the abuser . I am the abused
By Neelam
In our “ Becoming the Phoenix ” workshop , Paul and I talk at length why certain things happen in our lives , why we are drawn to certain people and why we are propelled towards certain people .
We share that our shadow selves are those parts within us that we unconsciously suppress , repress or disown . Since many people fail to own and integrate those parts , these parts unconsciously become the driver of the bus of our lives .
Therefore , anything we do feel or think or focus on , attracts people , relationships or situations to us that project , or mirror , these aspects of ourselves ... back to us .
As many of you know , I have been called to work in the area of women ’ s empowerment and I , in many ways , am becoming a conduit for this type of work . Gateways have opened “ pushing ” me into this .
Two years ago , after getting married in India to my Twin Flame Paul , I went to California . I was a total misfit . I did not belong there . I inquired “ What is my purpose here ? Why has universe brought me to a place where I do not belong ?”
The answer comes . I am told , “ I am here to lead women . The medicine woman plays an important role ... You are the medicine woman for the women here ”.
I stay with the message and yet the “ drive ” to work specifically with women doesn ’ t happen . Really ? I ask , myself .
Time passes . I attend a workshop on the Moon Cycles of Women and my dear friend and teacher Gwendoline tells me that she has guidance through