The energetic characteristics of Yin energy are : femininity , receptivity , fluidity , creativity , intuition , allowance , gentleness , softness , inspiration , transformation , going inward , and nurturing .
Physical characteristics of Yin are : cool , dark , softness , rounded shapes , sinuous lines , cool colors , water , earth , and air . Yin is associated with the heart , wisdom , and feeling tones .
The energetic characteristics of Yang energy are : masculinity , focus , structure , logic , control , power , assertiveness , and the act of creation .
The physical characteristic of Yang energy are : hot , light , hard textures , geometrical shapes , warm colors , fire , rock , and metal . Yang energy is associated with thinking , knowledge , and the capacities of the mind . It is cerebral and goal driven .
Both the Yin and Yang energies are equally important , and there is an art form to allowing them to coexist within you and to be expressed through you .