Shades Magazine May issue | Page 22


Pangolins: Pangolins are the subject of intense poaching that affects both Asian and African species. In fact it is considered that the scales, like their meat, possess a medical function. A rumor without any foundation but which risks bringing the small mammal to extinction. The NGO Say that the black-market of these scales earns almost 1 million dollars every year. Three tons of Pangolino scales were seized last year at the international airport of Bangkok, Thailand. The trafficking followed by the illegal cargo is particularly complex. The scales, equivalent to about 6000 animals, had been loaded in Kinshasa in the Congo. After a first stop in Turkey, they were headed to Laos, Thailand.

Many dolphins are slaughtered every year and the incredible thing is that they are massacred for sport or for fun, even for their meat. The dolphins are Massacred in great numbers so great that you can’t believe it. There are especially two places that are famous for their dolphin massacres: the Faroe Islands, in the north Atlantic Ocean and Taiji in Japan.

Dangerous and useless, useless and dangerous. Painting the shell of turtles would seem to be the last stupid fashion of human beings. As reported by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, in recent times there have been seizures of turtles to which the shell had been painted. As much as these priceless works of art can fascinate (who then?), The researchers stress that besides being cruel, they are illegal.