Shades Magazine May issue | Page 20


Summer is coming and it’s time to wear the dreaded bikini to have a nice swim in a beautiful sea. If during the winter months you ate too much and you’re afraid of wearing the bikini we are giving you some tips to avoid putting on extra weight.

DON’T DEMONIZE PASTA: our body needs all the macro e micronutrients and the carbohydrates must correspond to 50/60% of the total calories we eat every day.

DON’T FOLLOW THE DIET OF YOUR FRIEND OR THE NEWSPAPER: there is no common diet for everyone, every individual needs his/her personalized scheme.

DON’T SKIP MEALS: it doesn’t lead to the desired results. The metabolism slows down, the mood is altered and hunger increases.

NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST: breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it provides the energy needed to deal with it. And then the calories taken in the morning burn easily throughout the day.

DON’T ABUSE WITH SEASONAL FRUIT: it’s rich in water but also very rich in sugars.

PAY ATTENTION TO LIGHT PRODUCTS: we often find ourselves in the dish a food that is lower in calories but richer in added sugars.