SF Public Works Racial Equity Action Plan Phase 1 | Page 51

Public Works - Employment Type by Race
At Public Works , 78 % of white employees are PCS hires – the most secure type of employment – whereas 87 % of Filipinx , 69 % Asian , 65 % Latinx / Hispanic and 57 % of Black employees are PCS . In relation to City governmentwide ( CCSF ) appointment type by percentage per race , there are far fewer Black , Asian and Latinx / Hispanic PCS appointments at Public Works . The department has a lower total percentage of PCS employees ( 69 % for Public Works versus 78 % for all City departments ) and a higher percentage of temporary exempt ( TEX ) employees ( 23 % Public Works versus 15 % City workforce ). And , white employees at Public Works are more often PCS ( 78 %) versus white employees in the City workforce ( 74 %). We will look at root causes of this disparity in PCS appointments among people of color .
Permanent Civil Service
( PCS )
Permanent Exempt ( PEX )
Temporary Exempt ( TEX )
American Indian / Alaskan Native 80 % - 20 %
Asian 69 % 9.4 % 21.7 %
Black 57.3 % 5.2 % 36.2 %
Filipino 86.7 % 6.7 % 6.7 %
Hispanic 65 % 8.4 % 26.2 %
Multiracial 25 % 25 % 50 %
White 78.2 % 7.8 % 14 %
Total 68.5 % 7.9 % 23.3 %
City and County of San Francisco Employees by Appointment Type
Permanent Civil Service
( PCS )
Permanent Exempt ( PEX )
Temporary Exempt ( TEX )


American Indian / Alaskan Native 73.18 % 7.82 % 18.99 %
Asian 79.89 % 6.03 % 14.08 %
Black 76.95 % 5.79 % 17.25 %

Table 1.7 - Appointment type by race at Public Works and Citywide

Filipino 84.98 % 3.27 % 11.74 %
Hispanic 78.43 % 5.48 % 16.09 %
Multiracial 38.37 % 15.10 % 46.53 %
White 73.47 % 10.5 % 16.04 %
Total 77.62 % 6.97 % 15.42 %
Racial Equity Plan 2021