1 |
Public Works has more staff working part-time or on a schedule of fewer than 1,040 hours annually because of the nature of the budget and the programs . For example , the highly successful Commercial Corridor Program ( included in the TEX column ), which began in the FY2019 budget , was only funded using temporary salaries in the budget , requiring Public Works to hire exempt staff , generally on a part-time basis . Black employees make up 32 % of TEX workers , while Public Works overall is 21 % Black . |
but no applicant pool of eligible employees is available , departments are allowed to hire provisional ( or temporary ) employees . Provisional employees may not receive the same benefits as permanent employees and they may be “ bumped ” or laid off in favor of a permanent employee .)
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander American Indian / Alaskan Native Multiracial Filipino Hispanic Black Asian White
Table 1.6 - Employees per appointment type and race |
An overwhelming majority , 1,019 or 69 %, of these positions are permanent civil service ( PCS ) hires . However , because of the nature of the work performed by Public Works , much of which is project-based , the department will always have a higher number of exempt hires since so much of the work is contingent on work orders from other City departments . PCS positions have larger proportions of white employees ( 27 % versus 24 % overall ) and a lower proportion of Black employees ( 17 % versus 21 % overall ).
There are currently 464 employees with an exempt appointment , either a temporaryexempt appointment ( TEX ) or a permanentexempt appointment ( PEX ). Under civil service rules and / or budgeted restrictions , some positions can only be hired as an exempt appointment . These positions , totaling 201 or 43 % of all exempts , include department head , deputy directors , Prop . F retirees , director appointments , interns , Commercial Corridor positions and apprenticeship positions .
# of employees
% of total employees
5.1 %
16.78 %
17.37 %
27.28 %
32.48 %
18.8 %
13.68 %
23.93 %
38.46 %
19.88 %
32.28 %
14.41 %
29.97 %
20 %
80 %
( Regarding temporary provisional employees : When a department needs to fill a vacancy that is covered by the civil service process , |
Permanent Civil Service ( PCS ) |
Permanent Exempt ( PEX ) |
Temporary Exempt ( TEX ) |
Temporary Provisional ( TPV ) |
50 San Francisco Public Works |